Each pudding is hand made by us, the Maul family. It’s a true family affair with everyone involved in making sure the final product reaches ‘its final destination’ in first class condition.


Our story of family pudding making has even been featured on ABC’s Television’s programme, “The Spirit of Christmas” and Channel 7’s SALife. Plus features in Sumptuous, Australian Gourmet Traveller, Country Style, Australian Women’s Weekly, Maddison and SALife.

Previously made under the name of Abbotsford Country House Christmas puddings, the Maul family have since moved and have renamed them Barossa Farm Christmas puddings. These puddings are crafted using a family recipe from Jane’s native Scotland and like her Mum’s recipe, they contain no nuts or peel.

We can assure you that although our puddings carry a new name, they are just as yummy as they were before when we started making them 20 years ago.

Whilst we sell most of our Christmas puddings within the Barossa, we ship throughout Australia and in previous years, have shipped overseas including to an ex Australian Ambassador to the United Kingdom and a large order to France. Magnifique!

The creation of these wonderful puddings starts with the hand mixing and soaking of many different Barossan, South Australian and Australian ingredients. Laucke’s flour, Waechter’s or Rohde’s free range eggs, Riverland dried vine fruits, Barossa brandy, and Coopers Extra Stout (or O’Brien’s gluten free Stout) are just some of the premium ingredients that go into these wonderful puddings. It’s the suet in a traditional pudding that makes them so luscious and whenever possible, we use the suet from our own Barossa Angus  cattle.