For many years, like so many who come from homes where cooking and enjoying food together as a family was encouraged, Jane assisted in making the family’s Christmas pudding or made it herself. Her generous portions of brandy to make brandy butter as a child are the stuff of family legend! This gift has been inherited by her daughter, Sarah.
This pudding journey began when friends having eaten Jane’s delicious Christmas puddings asked if she would make some for them. One friend suggested that Jane make enough to sell at the Barossa Farmers Market. And the rest is history!
A number of friends kept asking Jane to make an ‘old style’ Christmas pudding for them and so our little pudding business has grown and grown!

So whilst we’ve been making Christmas puddings for others for only 20 years (with the very best of Barossan ingredients), the recipe itself is an old family one from Scotland.
Each pudding is hand made by us, the Maul family. It’s a true family affair with everyone involved in making sure the final product reaches ’its final destination’ in first-class condition.

Our story of family pudding making has even been featured on ABC’s Television’s programme, “The Spirit of Christmas”. Our puddings have also featured in Sumptuous, Australian Gourmet Traveller, Madison and SALife.
Cheaper puddings, particularly commercially made puddings, use everything from vegetable oil as their binding agent to nut and offal. These cheap fillers mask the beautiful fruity flavour of a traditional pudding.

Whilst we sell most of our Christmas puddings within the Barossa, we ship throughout Australia and, in previous years, have shipped orders to France, Hong Kong and Washington DC.